Relationship Problems

Many snorers find that getting past the dating stage can be a challenge. As shallow or selfish it may seem, many dating people consider “snoring” to be a deal-breaker when considering potential life partners. Yet, perhaps those very same people are among those who have no idea that true methods and treatments exist to treat snoring.

Snoring, Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Marriage

For those couples who graduated into lifelong commitment; it may have been quite a surprise when the snoring of their beloved developed into the scary symptoms of the OSA patient. Without proper education and treatment, what used to be tolerable sleeping behaviors may now have become annoying and sometimes very frightening.

At this stage, many couples find themselves retreating into separate bedrooms. These couples are virtually being forced to choose between marital intimacy and the strengthening of bonds that it forges against a proper night’s rest and the physical and mental benefits it provides for a healthy lifestyle. The choice made each night at bedtime is an indication of the health of the marriage, and so it goes without saying the snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea may be to blame for many divorces.

It is only through the knowledge that Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a disease, a genuine medical condition and not a behavioral choice, or fixed, genetic trait, that the afflicted will be treated with support, care, and an appointment with a medical practitioner.

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  • Spring Branch
  • 19750 State Highway 46 W
  • Suite #105
  • Spring Branch, TX
  • 78070
  • Map & Directions
  • Call: 830.438.2193